Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Passion Gone???

Two people I greatly admire came to me about my writing recently. I’d love to say their words were callous or unwarranted or something other than… RIGHT!  They told me that all of the things I had recently written lacked the typical Shauna-flair and passion that most of my stuff showed.  The sad thing is they are right. 

The closest thing I had that showed any passion was killed half way through it because I was dumb enough to let somebody else influence the direction of my piece.  You can see where the supposed transition actually went from great into a brick wall lol…

I’m not one to bust out lame ass excuses so what it truly boils down to is I have made some great changes in my life and I am working on making some more amazing changes so hopefully that’ll make a difference.  Without the passion in my writing, I’m pretty much just wasting my time and everyone’s time who is reading my work… and well that doesn’t quite fit for me lol

It’s time to quite being someone I’m not!